From Russia, with Meta-puns
I'm a little behind on my New Yorker s, just like I'm a little behind on blogging, and on my RSS feeds, and on the books I'm reading, and on pretty much everything except World of Warcraft, in which I'm progressing quite nicely through the Burning Crusade , thank you very much. I did get to some of last week's issue before this week's came, and thought the piece on Putin's Russia was well worth reading. I had a general idea that things were corrupt in Russia, and Colbert's cries for Putin '08 were appropriately biting, but the article gave a seemingly thorough account of just how bad things are there. The parents of one of Sheryl's friend are planning a trip to Moscow for some unknown reason. (Maybe they're assassins?) The father was nervous about his daughter moving to NYC because of a bad experience he had in the city in the '70s, when he said someone chased him down the street holding a board with a nail in it. I can just imagine wha...